Create Home Page (HTML) Document
  1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver and create a new HTML document.* Dreamweaver will automatically generate some code for you:

    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
  2. Change the <title> to "Your Color Theme: Home". For example, it would be named "De Stijl: Home".

    • This code defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab.
    • It is important to have unique titles for each page—it ensures better results for search engines and helps a visitor keep track of tabs and bookmarks.
  3. Save your file as “index.html” in the “Website Files” folder.

    The file names has to be named "index" and is case-sensitive. This is the standard name for a home page that is required for servers and search engines.

    • When you arrive a website, for example, you're not pointing to a file (like you would be if you typed, you're pointing to a directory listing of all the files.
    • The webserver will try to serve a file, typically called index.html or index.php by default, but it could be something different, and it's configurable by editing your webserver's config files.
    • If the server doesn't find any file to serve (because you didn't include an index.html file or because you renamed it without editing the server's config) you will see a listing of the files, which is rarely the desired behavior, especially at the root of a website.